About Me

So my life has been hit by the crazy bus, I recently moved cross country from Indiana to California along with my hubs, three babies and faithful dog.  Don't even get me started on how we got here.  The hubs moved to California 4 months before the babies and I could get here to start his new job.  The kids and I managed to sell the house in Indiana and then spent four days driving with the dog from Indiana to California.  When I say dog I actually mean a 75 lb rocket... anyone who has a lab I'm sure understands this!  Luckily I have amazing family who volunteered to help drive with me for different parts of the trip.  

We are finally getting settled in and I have been able to carve out some time to focus on pursuing my passion for sewing.  This blog will be dedicated to my inspired moments of creativity through sewing and decorating my new home, my life as a wife and mom of three kids and just life in general.  I love to live out loud and humorously and hope to share that here. 

I've been married for 12 years to my high school sweetheart.  It's amazing to me that we met when I was 14 and he was 17 and got married when I was 19.   Now fast forward 12 years and 3 kids.  Crazy!  Anyways I'm one of those super unplanned people and shocker we ended up pregnant right away and decided why wait lets just get this party started.  So we ended up with three kids by the time our 1st was four years old. 

 Sadey Grace (aka Sadey Boo ) is my oldest and I'm not sure if she's a typical first child or not... she's shy and pretty compliant,  she's got this amazingly huge heart that I adore... and she regularly goes out of her way to make little gifts for people.  She's also a total nut when she's comfortable with you.  Sadey's a party animal with those she's closest to. 

Hunter is our middle child who we teasingly refer to as honey-dew.  He's definitely a middle child and I can say that with authority since I'm a middle child.  He's extremely social and outgoing.  He's got a hilarious sense of humor and this sweet side that I can't resist because mostly he's mr. tough guy.  

Olivia Kate who we call Livvie Lou is our baby and she's living it up.  She is a Diva with a capital D!  She is a good mix of everyone.  She's outgoing and yet once in awhile she decides to be shy.  She's our love bug, she loves to cuddle all day long.  Livvie likes to follow in her brothers foot steps and live a little on the wild side.  

Thanks for stopping by!
